
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi baby

Shall talk about last saturday first

Last sat, we went to watch orphan. As usual, we meet in compass point and go for the 6.30pm movie. Went thai express to have our meal first and then slacked at arcade as usual :). After that, went for our movie. Movie was nice and it had a very good twist and plot. Enjoyed the movie with you :). Went home after that :)

Tuesday, August 25th
Our anniversary! You wished me happy anniversary when the clock strikes 12am the previous day. Haha, so cute of you. :) After my school, we went Compass Point Kopitiam to have our dinner/lunch. You came my house after that to slack awhile before going home. It was a simple day, but with you, it was a special day. :)

A picture from you which make me smile :)


Love you since 25/12/2007

Love on 10:46 AM.
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Didnt see you for the past week, 4 days!

Tuesday you were going for family lunch, so didnt meet up.
Wednesday you were having CCA, so didnt meet up.
Thursday i gonna rush my assignment, so didnt meet up.
Friday you were having steamboat with your mongs, so didnt meet up either.

Finally, Saturday!
I missed you so much that we have to meet up today no matter what.
So, decided to catch a movie.
Met up at the busstop before cp, and went yishun first for my deal. It was a long wait for the deal, thanks for accompanying me :)
After that, we took mrt to dhoby ghaut and bought our tickets for G.I Joe.
Then we went to arcade for awhile. Played bball, the ball throwing machine, Daytona, and some touch screen mini games :)
After that, we went to have our dinner at ThaiExpress.
After dinner, it was time for our movie.
Catched it, and it was a good movie. After which, it was also the time to be heading home.
Send you home and i took a cab home, had a very enjoyable day, love you :)

You told me that you wanted to watch orphan/where got ghost. So, i checked the timeslot and we went to GV Plaza to buy our tickets.
After buying, went to have our lunch at pizza hut. After lunch, we went to arcade to slack again before our movie.
It was overall not a bad movie, just that the effects were quite fake.
After that, went to your house to accompany you for awhile as i had no school the next day.
Went home after that via bus transport.
Thanks for all the memories my love!

Love you since 25/12/2007

Love on 11:41 PM.
Monday, August 10, 2009

9 August, 2009
You told me you were bored today, so i went over to your house and surprised you. Bet you did not expect it, ^^. Haha, so accompanied you and around 7pm, you told me that you wanted to go out. So, while you were preparing, i went to check the movie timeslot.
Finally decided on The Hangover at 12am, and was worrying whether if theres NightRider6 or MRT. I decided not to spolit the whole event and decided to cab midnight home to my house. You looked extremely happy and thats what made me felt that it was worth it :)
Watched the movie and it was funny as hell.
Cabbed to my house and the fare was $20.70, haha.
We watched paul blart mall cop on my comp for awhile before deciding to sleep.
The next day, we went to eat at 308 kopitiam and send you off at the LRT station :)

Love you since 25/12/2007

Love on 5:10 AM.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 3, Monday
After school, you told me that your parents and your bro will be overseas till the next day. So, decided to stay over at your house for the day. Met up at the bus stop, and you accompanied me home. Pick up some clothes and slack for a little while before going off. Then, was deciding whether to take 83 or cab. Drag our shoes and talked till 83 bus stop with no cabs on the way, hahahaha. Then we reached punggol, decided to have pack our dinner before going your house.
Reached your house, and accompanied you till i both fall asleep, it was so sweet, thank you loved one :)

August 4, Tuesday
Nothing much really happened. Didnt meet up after school, so i went home and took a nap. Woke up at around 11pm and chit chat with you till 1am. You say you wanted dragonica for awhile and so i played with you since you wanted it :)

August 5, Wednesday
It was a short day for me, but it was my friends' birthday and so i went to the Tampines Safra with my friends. You called and decided to come over to look for me, yay! Felt so happy and touched, when you are quite tired after school and still bother to take the long bus to here to find me, thanks baby.
When you reached, i came down to fetched you and we went up. Slack for awhile before going off to have our dinner/lunch at tampines Qi Ji. Had Nasi Lemak, and in the end i was too full, gave that expression and keep hit cup, hahaha. Then took 3 to punggol, and seriously, i was not feeling well during the long bus ride, it was torturous.
Finally reached punggol, and i vomited halfway while going to your house. You cared for me and accompanied me back to your house and gave me some medicine which could stop vomiting. Thanks baby, appreciated and touched. After which, i got my ihci project to do, and i went off shortly after taking the medicine. You accompanied me down to take a cab when i insist a bus. Haha, a cab came shortly and i went home :)

Edit: LOL, you are so damn cute!


Love you since 25/12/2007

Love on 1:21 AM.
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Waked up around 1:40pm. You were awake already and playing dragonica. I had my report and reflection to do first before joining you on the game, so sorry that i let you play game alone.

Finally finished my report, and joined you. You told me that you wanted level 24 today, so that you could have the dragon skill. Played and trained with you till 6:55pm, and you finally got the skill you wanted. You looked so happy and that makes me happy too. And now you are going to study, off comp and online later using itouch.

So, see ya later!

: You came back around 10pm, and i was dota-ing. Finished dota and chat with you about yanling. Then a fly came to your room and scared you. LOL.

Then, you told me that the necklace was broken and you were sad in the inside. Just wanna tell you, i am not in the least of blaming you for breaking it, in fact i felt touched when you said you really felt sore inside your heart :)

Dragonica for awhile before you went to bed and that ended 1 of our days together again.

Love you since 25/12/2007

Love on 3:59 AM.
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Today was the day you needed a school bag. I was not feeling well since the previous day but still went to shop around vivo for your school bag. Concerns were showered on me and i seriously appreciated that :)

So, we meet around 5pm at cp as usual. Was late due to my hair problem. Haha, sorry for that. Then, was deciding whether to join kenyong they all for the movie at amk hub. In the end, decided to catch it ourselves at the Grand Cathay.

Reached vivo, shop around the sports shop. Puma, nike and adidas. Finally, you decided on a white bag which i think it was the nicest among all. You bought it in the end and was short of cash, so i lend you some, yeah :)

After that, we 'went' to mrt. And found ourselves in the carpark leading to no where, hahaha. Then board the spooky lift and went back to level one. After that, we at last go to the correct mrt entrance and boarded the mrt to Cathay to catch our movie, "Overheard"

Movie is nice, and we both enjoyed it. It was time to go home and i send u back home, while chatting on the mrt about possible true life events about stocks, yeah:)

Parted with you at your unit and you said you will look at me from your block when i am downstairs. Was touched and i tried to look back up and could not see you.

Bus came, and i boarded the bus and that ended 1 of our days together.

Love you since 25/12/2007

Love on 10:07 AM.


Me And You
designed by lil.queens